Home » Plants


Alabama Sunset Coleus


Tropical Waterlilies



Hardy Waterlilies



Floating Leaf Plants



Marginal Plants

Blue Daze

Blue Daze

Submerged Grasses

Nursery Stock, Herbs, and Seasonal Vegetables
Don’t forget we are Nelson Water Gardens and Nursery! This means we are fulling stocked with great bedding plants both annuals and perennials, shade to sun, heat and drought tolerant, natives, herbs, and seasonal vegetables. We also have a nice selection of shrubs and trees. Our knowledgeable staff can help you will all your planting needs.

Tropical Waterlilies
Tropical Day bloomer’s flowers open in the morning and close in the afternoon each day for 4-5 days before the flower is spent. A new bloom is usually there ready to take its place. It is quite common for a well fertilized plant to stay in constant bloom all summer, often with multiple blooms open at one time. Night Blooming lilies, just as the name implies, open their flowers at night just after dark. The flowers will stay open until 10 or 11 AM before they gracefully close. Just like the day blooming lilies their flowers last 4-5 days. Constant and multiple blooms are common on a well fertilized plant. Flower colors for night bloomers are very vivid shades of pink, red, or white.Hardy Waterlilies
All hardy waterlilies are day blooming, which means that their flowers open and close each day. The blossoms open early in the morning usually after the sun has been up for 1-2 hours and then close up in the afternoon. In general, most hardy waterlily flowers close up earlier in the afternoon than their tropical cousins. There are some newer hybrid hardy waterlily varieties, developed in the last few years, that give much better results in our hot and humid climate.

Floating Leaf Plants
In addition to waterlilies, Nelson Water Gardens grows and sells a variety of ornamental floating leaf plants.  These plants typically offer up a finer textured element to your aquatic plant collection.  While the waterlilies give a bold and striking effect, these give a more subtle feel to your pond with smaller foliage, smaller flowers, and they generally take up less room.  These are great for kettle gardens.Marginal Plants
Adding color, texture, and additional interest to the edge of your pond is best achieved through the use of marginal plants.  These are plants that you would find in nature growing along the edge or ‘margin’ of a water body.  These plants typically thrive in submerged to partially submerged conditions where the water just covers the root ball.

Submerged Grasses
Perhaps one of the most overlooked, but arguably the most important plant in your pond are the submerged grasses.  Although not usually sought after for their stunning good looks, they do an incredible job of keeping the quality of your water in balance.  The fine textures and large surface areas allow these plants to absorb excess nutrients that are in your water.  Think of these grasses as competition for algae.



Nelson’s has plants for your garden and kitchen too