Hey Everyone!
I know it’s super hot and humid outside but it’s still a great time to garden. Here are Tips from an 8month pregnant lady for successful summer gardening!
- Get out in the garden super early or the late evening when it is cooler. I also will garden right after a passing rain shower when it’s still cloudy.
- Keep everything you need in a handy cart or wheel barrow to minimize running back and forth to grab materials.
- Make sure to get newly purchased plants in the ground ASAP, plants in pots will dry out extremely quickly. If you get them in the ground missing a watering is not as harmful to the plant.
- Create a watering schedule! New plantings should be watered twice a day the first week, once a day weeks 2-4 and every other day the rest of the summer.
- If you miss a watering and your plant looks like it’s a death’s door give it some love with Micro-Life Super Seaweed foliar spray. This will give it a boost of nutrients and help it recover.
- Get the family involved! We love going out in the evenings and checking on our gardens and seeing the new growth and looking for fun insects.
- Protect yourselves from those pesky mosquitos! Watch out for Fire Ants.. especially after a rain shower they tend to move and not have a defined mound yet.
- Most important tip of all enjoy yourself and have fun!