Dany’s Digestible Bites

There is TOO much information out there, it’s overwhelming sometimes!  Am I right or am I right?

Here’s a place where you can find the information you need (besides our website of course) on gardening:  http://homeshowgardenpros.com/  The website features short 30sec video clips on various aspects of gardening.  These videos are hosted by Dany Millikin and feature garden experts from the Houston Metropolitan area (including moi!) plus much more print information.   HomeshowGardenpros is also the name and home of a great new radio show airing Saturday mornings on 610am Radio from 7-8am.  Dany is the real deal! Not only is did he grow up gardening in Houston but he is also the Head Gardener at the McGovern Centennial Garden.

Here’s my little tip on how to remember when to tune in “6-7-8”  Airs on 610am from 7 to 8am