Fall is for Fire Pits

Did you hear that? It’s the collective sigh heard all across the South when the first cold front rolls through. HELLO FALL, I missed you so.  I WANT to be outside!  And now I can be without getting drenched in glow (my mother told me ladies don’t sweat, so I glow).  As you know, I moved into my new home in March.  I have so many plans and visions, but found plenty of reasons (not excuses, mind you) to postpone my big dream garden.  Summer is OVER.  Time to start; and honestly I am excited to begin.  This is the perfect time to put in fall veggies, spread wildflower seeds, and plant perennials.  Stay tuned to our website for  updates and pictures of my progress.  Now, time to bat my eyes at dear hubby to put in a fire pit.

Speaking of fire pits… nothing beats sitting outside in the crisp autumn air.  It it a little too chilly outside, perhaps?  How about a nice toasty fire outside to warm your little tootsies?  Don’t have time to make the fire?  No worries.  The design team can install a gas fired pit in no time at all.  Perfect for roasting marshmallows!  Do I hear s’mores?