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Gardening for Newly Weds

My wonderful Husband Nick and I just celebrated our first anniversary! We both love to be outside and gardening but our schedules keep us very busy. So how do we fit in our gardening time? By using the KISS method (keep it simple stupid) and sharing a few pecks as we pass each other (we are newly weds after all 🙂
We have very low maintenance plants all in pots, so it’s very easy to change out plants as the season progresses.
Easy low maintenance plants that I like are succulents (no cactus because my dogs are not very bright sometimes) because they require very little water.
Also, August kicks of the Frogs days of summer and all Nursery Stock is 50% off.
So, if you are a newly wed or just looking for simple gardening just come out to Nelson’s and we will set you up with the right plants for you!