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Gone are the Days….

Gone are the days of having to fill up ceramic pots with soil! Yippee!!! We now have handy dandy pottery inserts in four different sizes. You simply put some bricks or cinder blocks into your large ceramic/glazed pot and set a plastic pottery insert on top of that. I really love this new way of putting plants into a tall pot. It solves the issue of having to fill up a 3-4ft tall pot with soil which can get expensive and heavy. I also can bring my pottery insert inside during freezes to easily protect the plants. So if you want to add one of these nifty pottery inserts into one of your pots just measure the opening of your ceramic pot and we will get you the correct size insert!

XS Insert- 9″
Sm Insert- 11.5″
Md Insert-16″
Lg Insert- 20″