Most of us Texans feel like the Wicked Witch of the West at this time of year, we are just melting in the heat! What are your favorite tips and tricks to staying cool during this oppressive heat and humidity? Here are a few of mine:

  1. Wear a big hat. Mom has always worn a big goofy hat and boy did I find it embarrassing as a kid. Little did I know her wisdom in looking like a total fool would be passed onto me. I now have my very own big goofy hat and so does my husband.
  2. Timing when I work outside. I try to accomplish all of my outdoor chores before 11:00am and then if I need to finish I don’t go back out till after 4:00pm.
  3. Drinking lots and lots of water. I know this seems like a well duh but sometimes I do not like drinking water and will stray and have a coke…bad idea! Thankfully now they make sparkling water so if you are craving bubbles but need hydration you have options.
  4. Dreaming of cooler weather….that won’t make an appearance till November but hey a girl can dream!