Click Here for: Freeze Damage Tips

The freeze did a number on all of the plants out there, here is what to do and what not to do.

1.Wait to prune woody plants (shrubs, thick vines, citrus, all types of trees) till the week of March 8th. At that time trim any foliage that is still black and then scratch test the bark before pruning branches.

2. Prune back any plants like variegated ginger, with mushy  or black foliage to about 4″ from the base.

3. Fertilize everything including grass with MicroLife Ocean Harvest and MicroLife Multi Purpose right away.

4. Water everything that has dry soil.

5. Lawn, do your first mowing and bag the clippings. Add Azomite which is a trace mineral to replenish your soil after all the snow melt.


I know it is tough waiting to prune but please resist! The plants have been through a very traumatic experience and need time to recover fully. Nurturing the plant by giving it fertilizer will help it’s stress and make for a better recovery.