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What? Not again

Not another cold front, Noooooo.  I’m here to tell you to relax, after the last two hard freezes “what’s done is done”.  What was frozen is frozen and what you saved well you know what to do.  Your fish are OK, the aquatic plants in the bottom of the pond are OK.  The roots of the plants in your garden are protected from freezes by the soil and those roots will send up new growth in due time.

That last freeze was a dozy and it killed everything green.  Why?  Freeze tolerant plants such as Pansies, Cyclamen, Snapdragons and Dianthus are supposed to survive freezes down to 17 degrees.  And that is true…..except…..when we suffer through a freeze lasting days on end.  Those types of freezes are rare.  This Canadian Front is not likely to deliver a nasty freeze like the one we just experienced.  Still I think I’d wait until this coming front is past before putting anything into the ground.

In the meantime if your soul is crying for a bit of green and a little color there is no reason to pot up a few freeze tolerant plants.  The plants mentioned above and pictured should be fine when we have a freeze where it drops below freezing during the night but warms up the next day.  And we have those plants available right now. (at a good price).